Greg Solis
Priest Gregory Sols email: gregsolisjr@gmail.com__ Phone: 361-249-7908
do we respond when people ignore us, oppose us, or insult us? In our pride, we
begin to think negatively about the person doing it, rarely recognizing our own
sinfulness and our deserving of calamity.
have all most likely committed deeds worthy of God's wrath, but have hopefully
been forgiven such deeds through baptism and confession. We therefore are in no
position to expect good things to come to us because of our worthiness.
is always a blessing when good things happen, but when we confront trials, we
must remember that we are deserving of all kinds of suffering due to our
choosing to reject God, the source of Life.
we as Christians have been forgiven our sins, in God's wisdom, He allows us to
continue to confront trials to help us grow in virtue and to help others to see
how to respond to temptation. God only allows bad things to happen if it could
be of benefit in some way.
woman in today's Gospel reading is one of the greatest examples of the humility
and faith required to enter into the Kingdom of God. She was not even from the
Jewish race, shaming those that rejected our Lord, and offering hope to those
outside the Church.
experienced the hardships of life in this fallen world and in idolatrous
beliefs, she was seeking for the True God. And by persistence in searching for
such relief, God encountered her giving her the opportunity to come to True
Faith and be healed.
our Lord Jesus Christ, wanting to show us the humility and perseverance needed
by us greatly sinful beings originally made in the image of God Himself,
allowed the great Saint to be tested for our instruction.
first ignores her entreaty and then states that He was not sent to those
outside Israel. And even after her worshipping Him and begging for His help, He
answers with the words, "It is not meet to take the children's bread, and
to cast it to dogs."
Lord was not personally insulting this great Saint with these actions, but
rather rebuking those outside of His chosen people that were still in idolatry
and living as mere beasts in their sinful way of life.
holy women was able to understand our Lord's words because of her humility and
felt no anger because of the truth in them; that she was not worthy of God's
mercy, but asked it nonetheless as a gift.
not only acknowledged that she was more comparable to a dog than to a child of
God, but even added that these children of God were her masters.
Lord teaches us about the Eucharist in these words by speaking of the bread for
the children of God. We see that it is not for those outside the Church, but
those that have come to the Church in a lowly state eat the crumbs that fall
from the table. We should all feel as lowly as dog's ourselves and our brothers
in the Church as Children of God.
knew that a crumb from this bread of Life was enough to heal her daughter that
was possessed by a devil. She only longed to be allowed to be a lowly member of
the household of God. She sought the lowest place and was rewarded by God.
is a very encouraging account that displays God's great call to all mankind. He
draws all those searching for Him and encounters them, but requires that they
come in humility and conversion from their former sinful way of life.
see that while the Apostles were not able to cast out a demon out of a young
boy, this woman had learned the method of casting out demons by humility and
John Chrysostom explains that we have to do our part if we are to successfully conquer
the devil saying, "Seest thou how this woman too contributed not a little
to the healing of her daughter? For to this purpose neither did Christ say,
'Let thy little daughter be made whole,' but, ' Great is thy faith, be it unto
thee even as thou wilt;' to teach thee that the words were not used at random,
nor were they flattering words, but great was the power of her faith."
need to remember our humble beginning as Christians and not allow ourselves to
think more of ourselves than we ought, believing that we are worthy of eating
at the table of God because of our great piety. We could easily find ourselves
cast out and others with humility found in our place.
we stay lowly of heart, conquering temptations that test our pride. Only then
will we be freed from our demonic passions and hear our Lord say to us, "O
great is thy faith: be it unto thee as thou wilt!" Amen.